Krach Review: Goomba’s Crypto Shack

Karim Heiden
7 min readMay 20, 2019


After BTC’s sudden surge from $3.200 all the way up to $8.400, bullish posts peaked on social media alongside a slew of verbose claims of profit and newly-founded paid groups. One such a paid group is Goomba’s Crypto Shack.

For anyone who doesn’t know the crypto community on Twitter, a summary: No-one agrees on anything, yet somehow everyone is right.

Let me explain.

On Twitter there are “cryptocurrency traders” who put forth an idea. “In the event of [this] happening, [this] price will be reached” but they will many times be less conclusive and offer alternative viewpoints as well. Proverbial “We’re gonna go up’s” are quickly followed by “but if [this] happens, we could go down” and they do so in a few hundred characters or less. More often than not, this will lead to an inevitable dispute with other people on Twitter and with lesser and lesser characters. But it doesn’t matter, because in the end, the trader is always right and they don’t mind telling everyone they were so along. Not so with Goomba.


Goomba’s avatar on Twitter

Goomba, a trader with a following of about 7.200 on Twitter, is a personality that oozes simplicity (in a good way). His charts are clean and one-sided, his tweets are brief and mainly focused on the crypto space and he will not blatantly boast or denigrate others. You will often find a “made 12% on this call. More info in the Discord group” and a meme every so often, but he knows how to keep his self-promotion and extracurricular activities subdued and to-the-point. That, and the low price of $10, made me decide to give his group a test run and share my experience.

On the surface the Super Mario antagonist is a curt person, mainly offering even more succinct tweets accompanied by a single chart in his colours (shades of purple) or a meme (Dragonball Z). If you see a Twitter page with a lot of tweets, all not more than three sentences long, with purple charts, you are probably on Goomba’s page.

As a new trader who wants to learn, you might be disappointed by his succinct reasoning, but traders who either already know the theory behind the indicators or don’t care (“just give me signals!”) will find it refreshing. Also the lack of banter back and forth with other people on Twitter and the need to give only one viewpoint makes for easy scrolling and reading. Imagine going through Philakone’s Twitter to find out his sentiment on BTC. Spoiler: You’ll be there for ages.

(Shameless plug: watch out for my upcoming review of Philakone’s course #2.)

Paid group

So what does a $10 subscription to “Goomba’s Crypto Shack” on Discord get you?

“Thoughtful” Goomba.

Where on Twitter Goomba might be hard-pressed to go into detail about his trades, in the paid group he will dutifully offer feedback to every trade both during and after. In the general chat group he will also succinctly yet clearly answer people, offering a little bit of guidance, but in all his answers it’s clear he uses both Twitter and Discord more as a journal, so don’t expect lengthy articles and 1-on-1 mentoring.

Setup & Design

The Discord has seven channels. Only two can be used to chat among the users while the others are all Goomba’s realm. The most active/important: alt-charts (charts of interesting trade setups), general chat (users chat among themselves) and btc-story (btc sentiment). The best one is alt-charts. Goomba posts clean charts and ideas and does not go deep into it. One chart. One idea. When he’s right, he’ll tell you. When he’s wrong, he’ll tell you.

A sneak peek of the Goomba’s Crypto Shack Discord group

Among other indicators, Goomba uses Bollinger Bands, patterns (triangles, H&S, etc), support and resistance, OBV and Fibonacci to determine his ideas. He leaves only the things that are necessary.

One look at this channel is enough to make sense of it all. A lot of Discord groups will segment everything in an attempt to keep order, only to fail, because wanting to add everything often only adds to the confusion, especially for new members. With Goomba that isn’t necessary. All the alt charts are in one section. BTC in another. Etc.

The only thing I would add is a section that lets members know right away what the results were of previous trades, trades we are currently in and trades that still need to be triggered.


I like my other members to be respectful and not ask for too much. Questions like, “What does OBV mean?” or “Hey, what do I do with the Celr call?” absolutely annihilate me, especially because Goomba relies heavily on OBV and if you’d take a look at two of his charts, you’d know that already. Fortunately the other people in the chat will answer, which is good, but sometimes it’ll be directed to Goomba and I cringe whenever that happens and more whenever he answers.

It’s nice. He’s a nice guy. His answers are good. But for $10 a month, I could not help but feel people were crossing a certain ethical boundary. It feels like a basic Netflix subscriber asking the CEO of Netflix through DM why Kevin Spacey wasn’t in the final season of House of Cards and watching the CEO explain himself while you want him to just focus on providing quality content.

I know these people are just looking for help and it is a fresh group, but for all intents and purposes, this group is clearly not the place to ask noob questions. Now, if I were in a paid group that costs upwards of $200 a month, I expect either mentoring, a success rate of 100% or the paid group leader to give me a nice back rub every Friday between 6 and 7 pm, but for $10 please don’t ask the paid group leader directly for help — especially if that’s not the model (and it isn’t).

Fortunately, the other members (125 of them now — 50 online on average the first week) are quite helpful and will aid each other however they can. Most members seem quite new to trading, possibly suaded by Goomba’s affordable pricing, but there are a few more advanced traders who do what they can to contribute and they do so very well.

Mind you, that is how it always is in the beginning. As soon as the market shifts, the success rate drops, the price goes up, the paid group leader falls “ill”, the whole thing turns cannibalistic quick and all that is left are two seasoned guys just bantering into nothingness. Of course I’m not saying this will happen here, but a “fresh” group is always a good selling point because of the low toxicity levels.

Educational material

All of Goomba’s self-written educational material is already available on Medium, so know you’re not paying for that. Through the channel “bookmarks” Goomba shares just under a handful of these articles he wrote on Bollinger Bands, risk management and OBV divergences, but it’s used mainly to share news items and tweets by others.

There is some educational value here and it lies in your own deduction of the charts and the feedback Goomba offers after every trade. But the real value lies in the charts and the success rate.

Charts & Success rate

These last five days, during our mini alt season, Goomba has been exceptionally successful. Out of 13 calls 8 have been successful. This does not mean the other 5 have failed. 1 actually got stopped out while 4 others are still in play (haven’t touched their stop-losses). A good one to mention is a Theta/BTC play where entry and targets were predicted promptly and with pinpoint accuracy.

Disclaimer: I will often take at least two weeks to a month to review paid groups, because I want to see how the groups fare during changing markets, but due to other engagements, I have accelerated this into five days for this review. Updates with adjustments are possible in the future.


Currently, on May 17th, the price for access to the Discord group is $10 a month, $100 annually. Pay by credit card. One of the cheaper ones around, if not the cheapest.


For $10 a month this is an absolute steal. The charts are easy to understand, the Discord is clear and reasonably manageable and the success rate is good. If the success rate stays the same outside of alt season and an overview of current plays is added, a higher price of around $30–$50 would be warranted (@Goomba: you better not raise that price for current members!).

That being said, if you are a beginning trader who wants to learn the theory through videos, personal guidance and lengthy explanations, or simply do not adhere to the indicators used, especially OBV, this is not for you.

Krach Score: 8/10

If you have any requests for reviews or if you simply have some feedback for me, please comment on this page, shoot me a DM here or on Twitter.

Don’t forget to give me a clap and/or a share.

Krach’s (Karim Heiden) Twitter:

Goomba’s info: &

I hope to see you back in two weeks’ time when I will be reviewing Philakone’s Course #2!

My BTC tip jar: 1JpYk93bR43QFL5akjW5AYkPfhaQ7YNd8o

Disclaimer: I buy the products myself for every review and do not accept sponsorships to review any products.

If any violation has occurred (copyright, intellectual property, etc), please contact me through DM.



Karim Heiden

Mild-mannered IT-specialist and business developer by day. Fiction writer and friendly neighbourhood journalist by night.